Terms & Conditions

of Rent-a-Sauna by Nordiac AS

1. General
1.1. Definitions
1.1.1. Lessor: Lessor is Nordiac AS Norway Organization No.: 828 669 982
1.1.2. Renter: The renter is the person named in the booking confirmation.
1.1.3. Rental object: Any trailer sauna, ice fishing tent or extras rented out by the lessor.
1.1.4. Period of rental: The period of rental starts with the handover of the rental object. The period of rental ends with the lessor confirming the handover back to the lessor. This will take place during business hours of the lessor.
1.1.5. The renter has read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions. The renter confirmed this with signing the rental contract. A copy of the contract including these terms and conditions is given to the renter.

2. Renter
2.1. Age: The renter must be 21 years of age at the day signing the rental contract.

3. Payment
3.1. The rental object rent must be paid by credit card. No other forms of payment are accepted. The full amount will be charged to your credit card at the time of booking. All prices are in NOK including VAT (mva). The card information will be used and stored for the payment process and accountancy by Arctic Campers AS and the payment provider Nets Holding A/S.
3.1.1. We accept credit cards from Visa Mastercard and Maestro
3.2. Deposit on arrival. When picking up or receiving the rental object on location, you will have to make a deposit payment. The deposit will be charged from your account and will be refunded the last 2 days after the last rental day and every balance due settled. Nordiac AS is not accountable for exchange-rate fluctuations during this time of deposit.
3.2.1. Additional cost: All expected und unexpected costs and charges during the rental period including damages, repairs, extra services.
3.2.2. Deposit return. The deposit will be credited back to your card 2 days after the return day. If any additional costs have to be withheld, the remaining amount will be returned by money transfer after the incident is cleared.
3.3. Cancellation: A cancellation has to be sent by email to sauna@nordiac.no.
3.4. Cancellation by lessor. Nordiacs AS can cancel any reservation/booking in case of overbooking or any other reason. In this case, the full amount will be refunded without any additional costs or fees.
3.5. Cancellation fees: The cancellation fee will be charged to the renters credit card. The minimum cancellation fee is 250 NOK and will be charged with any cancellation. The additional amount of the cancellation fee depends on the date of cancellation (days prior to the beginning of the rental) and graduates as follows.
Cancellations more than 48 hours prior to the start of the rental period shall receive a full refund of the paid rental fee excluding the cancellation fee of 250 NOK.
Cancellations between 24 – 48 hours prior to the start of the rental period shall receive a 50% refund of the rental fee.
Cancellations within 24 hours before the start of the rental period are not entitled to a refund of the rental fee, and any outstanding rental fees will be due and owing to Nordiac AS.

4. The lessee will return the rental object:
4.1. With all attachments, including tires, tools and other items that came with the rental object on the start of rental, in the same condition as upon reception, except for normal wear and tear from use. If something is missing the renter agrees that the cost price of individual items that are absent when the rental object is returned will be charged to his or her credit card. The same applies if extra parts that came with the rental object are missing upon the rental object’s return or if returned in an unsatisfactory condition, i.e. these items will be charged to the renters credit card or deposit payment.
4.2. On the date and time specified by the lease, unless otherwise agreed later. If the lessee does not return the rental object at the time agreed upon in this lease, or does not declare his intention to extend the lease, the lessor or the police are authorized to repossess the rental object without further notice and at the lessee’s cost. Extending the lease is dependent on the consent of the lessor. If the lessee returns the rental object 1 hour or later after the lease has expired, the lessor will demand up to 24-hours rental under the terms of this lease.
4.3. If the renter violates the terms of this contract the lessor is authorized to repossess the rental object without further notice and at the renters cost.
4.4. The rental object shall be handled, used and driven carefully. If the renter drops off the rental object at a different location as stated in the rental agreement the lessor is allowed to charge the renter according to the lessor’s price list for costs incurred from retrieving the rental object. The renter is liable for damage resulting from use of the rental object

5. Obligations of the Lessor:
5.1. The lessor undertakes to supply the rental object at the agreed time and to see that it meets the demands made for it.
5.2. If the rental object malfunctions, the lessor shall supply the lessee with a comparable ental object as soon as possible. If the damage is minor, the lessor is authorized to have repairs done on the rental object after obtaining the renter’s consent.
5.3. The lessor shall inform the renter of the content of the agreement, particularly as regards the obligations that the renter undertakes by signing it.

6. General provisions:
6.1. The renter confirms with his or her signature to the rental agreement that he or she received the rental object and attachments in sound condition.
6.2. Signing the rental agreement is equal to renter´s signature for a credit card transaction due to payments of charges which lesser charges to renters’s credit card or deposit payment and is rightfully claimed by lessor according to provisions of this rental agreement.
6.3. Additions and amendments to the conditions and provisions of this lease agreement shall be made in writing.
6.4. Norwegian law applies to agreements made on the basis of the terms cited above. This includes any claims for compensation that might be made. This applies both to the basis for and the calculation of compensation. The same applies to claims for damages based on liability outside this agreement. If legal disputes arise concerning this lease agreement, they will be heard before the lessor’s legal venue.
6.5. It should be pointed out that disputes between the parties to this lease agreement can be submitted to the active Arbitration committee of the Norwegian Consumers Association and the Norwegian Travel Industry Association.

7. Renters acknowledgment

7.1 The renter is responsible for all guests including those not accounted for by Nordiac As at time of booking, and he assumes all risks associated with any and all guests using the rental object and/or being present at the rental location during the rental period.

7.2 The renter ensures that any guests with health or mobility conditions that require assistance of another person will always be accompanied by another adult when using the rental object.

7.3. The renter will be at the rental location at all times when the rental object is in use during the rental period.

7.4. The renter will indemnify Nordiac AS from any loss, damage, liabilities, costs and expenses suffered by Nordiac AS, directly or indirectly, as a result of or arising out of the rental agreement and/or my breach of any terms of this terms and conditions.