Christopher G.

October 2021 on Google

A portable sauna – what a brilliant idea!
Let’s say you’re exploring northern Norway. You did the touristy Lofoten thing, maybe you spent some time on the mainland (Troms og Finnmark). You’ve been camping and walking a lot. You’re thinking of treating yourself to some rest & relaxation. Good for you!
I can tell you there is no need to debate a lot whether to splurge on this. Do it.
Your friend Simon will set you up in a private little space where you can park your van or car right up next to the sauna and spend a full day on self-care. Let it all hang out! The sauna’s wood stove has a boiler integrated in the flue, so you can mix a bucket of hot and cold for the portable shower that comes with your rental. Sauna, dip in the cool water of the fjord, have a hot shower, chill out for a bit, repeat. Heavenly!
You won’t regret this rental for a second.